Marta Mezzino

  • Feminine Wisdom
  • Connected to Nature
  • Body Awareness
  • Music and Dance

After finishing her studies in Contemporary History and Anthropology, Marta travelled extensively in Asia and South America, following an internal quest concerning the sense of her life. During her travels she met and studied with teachers from many different traditional cultures who have always invited her to trust her intuition and be guided by her inner voice.


Since she was a child she has been fascinated with the mystery held in ancient stories and mythology around the Great Mother and the Deep Feminine. Since then, held by this strong connection, she has been reading, studying, researching and exploring various aspects of the Feminine and Women’s bodies, alone and with teachers such as Alexandra Pope and Sjane-Hugo Wurlitzer  (Women’s Quest Apprenticeship, Red School), Uma Dinsmore Tuli, Renu Li and Catherine Bechard, among others.


Since her early twenties physical challenges invited her to dive deep into her body and she started to practice and study yoga and different healing techniques with teachers from different cultures (traditional healing from Zapotec culture, Pranic Healing, Ecoute Profonde). She is a qualified Yoga teacher, Hatha, Vinyasa, Womb Yoga and Yin Yoga. She taught for several years Yin Yoga with Biff Mithoefer around the world in Yin Yoga teacher training.


Marta is also exploring her creative gifts through music and dance. She has been studying Persian percussion for the last few years and has a beautiful singing voice that she brings into her work. As well as traditional songs from Southern Italy and France, she is currently focusing on the study of Sephardic music. Her love for the art of movement has brought her to practice and study different techniques and body-work. In recent years she has been learning sacred dance with Fabienne Courmont and Rana Gorgani, with whom she is currently exploring the sacred whirling of the Sufi tradition.


Her path is centered on her belief in the importance of connecting to the Earth and to the essence of life. Living for long periods in the forest and other isolated places revealed to Marta unknown parts of herself and her own inner power. She began to understand and see a different perspective on the connection between Nature and her own Feminine body and wisdom. The deep desire to share this connection with others and especially with women brought her to decide, together with her partner, to create a space in Southern France centered in  practical research around biodiversity, medicinal herbs and different growing techniques and philosophy. In that place she she holds retreats and gatherings and invites people to dive deep into a journey into their essential nature.


Marta is Italian and speaks fluent French, Spanish and English.